Sunday, June 17, 2012

From the Garden

My garden is really producing this year! After last year's drought, everyone in Cental Texas has been happy to see some good spring rains. There have even been a few early summer rains. I've already put up 22 pints of yellow squash & eaten fresh steamed squash and squash casseroles until I'm sick of squash! The tomatoes are producing well. I've put up my goal of 1 pint of tomatoes per week for the year(that's 52) and I've started on making salsa and chutney to use for the coming year. Last year was my first time to make an apple tomato chutney & my sweetie loved it! He said make more of that this year. So, I've done 3 batches of with for a total of 20 pint jars. I've been working on some relishes and other things with my peppers. I hope to do some bbq sauce too. I've also got cantaloupe and will have watermelon in a few weeks. Oh, I almost forgot! We got enough peaches off of our tree (only 2 yrs old) to make 5 1/2 pint jars of jam and have a few for eating. They are a nice sweet peach.

 Looks like a lot of tomatoes but you should see what's still green on the vine!
Getting ready to peel the tomatoes.

 You've got to give them a cold water bath to stop the cooking process.
 They practically peel themselves.
 Cantaloup and watermelon vines take up all the space they want! lol

Talk about fresh! These are still on the vines. Will be ready to eat soon.

It's so easy to see God in the garden of our life when we can watch the new growth and life come to completion. He is in the others parts of our life too. Sometimes we might have to look a little more but if we are close to Him and have a love relationship with the Lord, it's not hard to find Him. The truth is that He seeks us out. He wants to be with us and have fellowship with us. We just have to say yes to Him.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

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